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Tilal Al Ghaf Pavilion
The Pavilion will offer prime views over the development whilst incorporating spaciousness to the exhibition area internally and be recognisable both during the daylight and night time hours.
The facade will be formed as a transparent building envelope using innovative and cutting-edge building methods and technologies, preferably using materials and building systems that can be manufactured off site.
Dubai, UAE
Building Type
Interior Design
The floating roof over the glazed facade, creates both enclosure to the accommodation below as well as providing shade to the building interior, formed as a ‘crescent moon’ shape, creating a strong dramatic visual identity within the development.
The Pavilion should embody a strong relationship between the quality of the buildings space and interior, with the culture of the Client. The building finish and surrounds aim to achieve a high level of integration between the building design and a rich landscaped green setting, celebrating the essence of the Tilal Al Ghaf Development.
The Pavilion offers an architectural aspiration based on the uniqueness of product, efficiency, and constructibility in addition to quality of design and materials.
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